The Westside Fairytales Podcast
We at the Westside Fairytales have written a story for you. Not you in that broad sense where you just means anybody, but you, Dear Listener. We know all about you. What makes you nervous, what sickens you, what keeps you from leaving your house sometimes for the maddening worry of it. And we’ve put it in a story. A story we’ll read for you.
Demons, desperate souls, and eldritch horrors… These strange and varied original tales will linger long after you've finished listening. The Westside Fairytales horror and dark fiction podcast is an award-winning audiodrama written, read, and produced by author Tyler Bell.
Seasons 1-4 contain a variety of short stories; Seasons 5 and 6 are novels broken into chapters. While each story can stand on its own, all take place in the extended Westside Fairytales universe, with continuing themes, characters, and connections. The Horror and Lit Club episodes are discussions, interviews, and reviews independent of the fiction episodes. Original art by Yui Breedlove.
Latest Episodes
HLC - Blasphemous 2
On this episode of the Westside Fairytales Horror and Lit Club, host Tyler Bell says Blasphemous 2 is just a really great game.
Sin Carriers 13 - Swamp
In chapter 13 of Sin Carriers, our travelers find themselves mired in swamps metaphorical and otherwise.
HLC - Interview with horror creator and professional artist Nic Boone
On this episode of the Westside Fairytales Horror and Lit Club, host Tyler Bell sits down with Nic Boone, a horror creator and artist who's worked on numerous video games, including League of Legends.
Sin Carriers 10 - Feast
In chapter 10 of Sin Carriers, we delve into the past to better understand the present.
Sin Carriers 7 - Invitations
In chapter 7 of Sin Carriers, crew members will find themselves pulled into the gravity of different factions. Deceived by themselves or by others, these bonds may just as likely lead to bloodshed, as they do to brotherhood.
Sin Carriers 3 - Introductions
In chapter 3 of Sin Carriers, a team of misfits embarks safely, heading east. With nothing but time on their hands, our disparate cast makes their introductions, both to us, and to each other. Some of these first meetings are friendly, others awkward, and at least one close to deadly.
Scars in Time 8 - The Lantern
In chapter 8 of Scars in Time, Ash tries to shake off the images that accompanied her discovery in the attic, pondering what or who might have left those things there.
Scars in Time 1 - The Visions
This season, in our story “Scars in Time,” the Westside Fairytales horror and dark fiction podcast takes you to Gun Cotton, West Virginia, a small, eclectic mountain town where the ever-thickening mists hold untold and horrifying secrets.